1 packet of baking mixture for marble cake
500 ml milk
200 g Original Sahne Muh-Muhs Toffees
1 packet vanilla custard powder
200 g butter
A little icing sugar
It couldn't be easier!
You can read exactly how to proceed on the package of the marble cake mixture – nothing can go wrong! When the light-coloured sponge mixture is ready, spread it onto a greased baking tray; you then distribute the dark-coloured cake mixture on to this with a spoon.
Bake the whole cake in a pre-heated oven at 180 °C for approx. 20 to 25 minutes. Then remove the cake and wait until it has cooled.
Now mix the milk with the Original Sahne Muh-Muhs Toffees in a pot over a medium heat until the toffees have completely dissolved. Caution: Do not allow to boil, otherwise there will be a little accident! Then mix the custard powder with a little cold milk, add this to the milk and allow the whole thing to briefly come to the boil. Then set aside in a safe place.
Now beat the butter in a bowl and then mix it into the custard a spoonful at a time. Cut the cake in half. (Not in slices, but longitudinally! i.e. make 2 flat slabs out of it.) Spread the buttercream onto one half, and then place the second half on top of that. The cake should be allowed to set for at least an hour in the fridge. It is best if it stays in the fridge until it is ready to be eaten.
If you lightly dust the cake with icing sugar just prior to serving, then it will look terrific!
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Resting time: 60 minutes
Level of difficulty: Couldn’t be easier!